P4 Conquer Problem Sums (Latest Edition)

$16.90 (Inclusive of GST)

  • Topics Covered

-Whole Numbers
-Area and Perimeter

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Complementing school resources, +hinkingMath workbook contents are sorted according to topics (e.g. Whole Numbers, Time, Fractions)

This section showcases the application of concepts through worked examples, giving users a better understanding of how to attempt questions that follow

Up to six questions in each unit, arranged in mixed-level difficulty

Solutions with workings are included in the book

+hinkingMath Conquer Problem Sums series focuses on building skills to tackle and solve problems, rather than traditional rote learning with specific formulas. This series encourages systematic extraction of information from problems and guides students step-by-step in problem-solving effectively. Developed for Primary 3 to Primary 6 higher ability students, questions are arranged in mixed difficulty levels.